Learn Lead Love
Habit 3- Put First Things First. This habit teaches us to decide what is most important, and to take care of that item first. It teaches us to prioritize. Try these ideas at home:
* Help your children learn to prioritize by creating a list of things your child needs to accomplish throughout the day or week. With your child, rank the tasks in order of importance. Then rewrite the list in order of importance.
* Teach your child to use a planner or calendar to schedule time so that important things are done first.
* Have a family project day to teach the concept of working first then play. Work together as a family on chores, a service project, or another family project, then reward yourselves after by going on a fun outing together.
Books to Read together for Habit 3:
Grades K-2
Froggy Gets Dressed
The Little Red Hen
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Grades 3-5
Esperanza Rising
The TV Kid
Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World
"Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and actions." ~ Harold S. Geneen